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‘Her little Rose’ is a one of a kind drama – a pregnant woman must struggle with her mother’s Alzheimer’s disease, and tries to find the best way to cope with her problems as life is not getting any easier. Her pregnancy is making her vulnerable, and her attention is split between the past and the future, in a quite poetic way. Tam Tran created a parable that will transcend time – the present trying to cope with the past and the future. We as people are always stuck in our history, making memories, packing them, giving them time and energy without seeing the fact that in this way, we are altering our future. We tend to be stuck in the memories of our old ones, being scared of creating our own. Relentlessly, Rose, the protagonist of this film, is unable to let go of her mother and thus let her stay in a facility that could be helpful for her. Her feelings are prevailing over her consciousness, and this is hurting everyone involved.

‘Her Little Rose’ is nevertheless a film with substance and a profound message. What Tam Trans is doing here is to offer the viewer an experience from a philosophical point of view, along with the idea of accepting life as it is, and making the most out of it. Humankind is moved by stories like this one, the type of stories that are meant to be educational for all ages. We are not always aware of our power, and life may be more than we see with the naked eye, so we have to open the eyes of our mind to understand the substrate of every small detail life offers us.  ‘Her little Rose’ has an important part in which the aforementioned parable is illustrated in sand drawings, showing us that our lives are precisely like those sand drawings – they matter, but only for a moment. Still, when the time comes, a mild wind will come and make it all disappear as if nothing ever happened.

Written by Vlad A. Gheorghiu

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