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Georgios Dimitropoulos’ short film ‘Les Notes’ follows a path we’ve been well accustomed to, with an approach that works all the time. Two lovers spend their romantic times in Venice, a place where love is everywhere and where people of all ages reignite the sparkle. Nicole (played by Sabine Crossen) and Gerard (played by Pierre Azema) feel Venice as the natural home for their love, and one can easily see this at every move. They never feel estranged in this city, and their love thrives. But one day, something changes, and where initially there was beauty, now it’s just a memory living on the roots of that moment.

Love may die, but it will never perish – a proper motto for a film that prepares the viewer from the very beginning to shed tears. Dimitropoulos managed to incorporate in ‘Les Notes’ the entire drama one romantic movie could offer. The script has a perfect build-up up to the climax, with an excellent fade out both visually and story-wise. The woman walking alone at night seen from behind is the best metaphor for the fitting end of a perfect circle this script planned on having. Another great thing about this film is the score; not every day you get to see the London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra on the ending credits of a short film, and when you do so, what you’re watching will most likely blow your mind with an outstanding soundtrack. That is the exact case here, where the music covers all the blind spots words cannot hide in intensity. 

Azema and Crossen, the two actors playing the roles of the lovers in Venice, live what one can think Romeo and Juliet would have had if they escaped. Venice is not that far from Verona, the place of the aforementioned play, so we can perceive this short as a ‘what if,  happening some many generations later. There is beauty in this film, and we are not talking about the scenery; this kind of beauty needs to be seen by as many eyes as possible!

Written by Vlad A. G

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