(random order)
1. Robby (d. Steven Dickson Jr.) - Drama - 34 min, United States, 2017
2. Screen Cowboy (d. Morgan Guering) - Drama | Sci-Fi | Student - 14 min, France, 2017
3. The Eve (d. Luca Machnich) - Horror | Drama - 20 min, Italy, 2015
4. The Rose Garden (d. Karl Fernandez) - 19 min, United States, 2017
5. Blessed Days (d. Valentina Casadei) - Drama | Student - 13 min, France, 2017
6. Down and Out (d. Natalie Kennedy) - 19 min, United Kingdom, 2017
7. Skinhead (d. Naima Chebahi) - 3 min, France, 2017
8. The Return of the Train (d. Sara Grimaldi) - 25 min, France, 2016
9. Jury Duty (d. Matheus Ronn) - Student - 12 min, United States, 2017
10. Orazio's Clan (d. Riccardo Bernasconi) - Web - 39 min, Switzerland, 2016
11. Hiccup (d. Alec Vrins) - 15 min, France, 2017
12. Saint Hubert (d. Jules Comes) - Drama | Nature | Action - 19 min, Belgium, 2017
13. The Heritage (d. Felipe Vianna) - Web | Thriller | Drama - 13 min, Brazil, 2017
14. Catharsis (d. Romain Fusilier) - Horror | Thriller | Fantasy - 10 min, France, 2017
15. Know Harm (d. Kee Ramsorrun) - Psychological Drama - 7 min, United Kingdom, 2017
16. Out of Love (d. Darius Norowzian) - Drama | Romance - 10 min, United Kingdom, 2017
(random order)
1. Eileen and I (d. Sam Pearson) - Student - 12 min, United Kingdom, 2017
2. Over the horizon (d. Ivan Sosnin) - 5 min, Russia, 2017
3. Threads of Hope (d. William Knowles) - Student - 10 min, United States, 2017
4. Why I Run (d. Shrai Popat) - 2 min, United Kingdom, 2017
(random order)
1. Flossenburg (d. Heejoo Kim) - 6 min, United States, 2017
2. Expiration Date (d. Shwenn Shunya Chang) - Romance | Student - 4 min, United States, 2017
3. RETIMER (d. Robin Tremblay) - 7 min, Canada, 2017
4. An Idea (d. Juan Paulín) - 6 min, Mexico, 2017
5. Empty View (d. Ali Zare Ghanatnowi) - Drama | War - 18 min, Iran, 2017
6. The Artist and the Kid (d. Sasank Dhulipudi) - Student | Drama | Art - 3 min, India, 2017
7. Music of Love (d. Melissa Glasscock) - 1 min, United States, 2017
(random order)
1. Transience - Light & Shadow (Bucharest City Walk) (d. Daniel Munteanu) - Fantasy - 13 min - Romania, 2017
2. In search of lost time (d. Marta Renzi) - 8 min - United States, 2017
3. OMESS (d. Romy Engel) - 3 min - Israel, 2017
4. Algeria. Dreams about the Desert (d. Andrii Andreiev) - 6 min - Ukraine, 2017
Music Video
(random order)
1. Ragamuffin (d. John Byron Hanby, IV) - Student - 6 min, United States, 2016
2. Destroyer (d. John Byron Hanby, IV) Student | Drama | Romance - 5 min, United States, 2017
3. Darklands (d. Kezia Alexandra Supit) - 3 min, United States, 2016
4. XXI Century Blood (d. Abraham Marcos) - 6 min, Mexico, 2017
5. RIDE INTO THE NIGHT (d. Stefano Mosimann) - 4 min, Switzerland, 2017
6. Horror-struck (d. Tamás Börönte) - 4 min, Hungary, 2017
1. Slurry (w. Ryan Hayes)
2. Wrong Person (w. Matteo Valentini)
3. Evolution of the Fallen (w. Shannon Edwards)
4. World's Sexiest Man (w. Robert Cox)
5. The Dancing Bear (w. Robert Cox)
6. Haunted (w. Andrew Kosarko)
7. The Pigeon in a Flat (w. Selim Sevim)
8. Major Tom – a spaced out romance (w. Mirka Kettunen)
8. Steve & Olivia (w. Vicki Cargill & Adam Cargill)
Thanks for voting! Winners: November, 24th. Screenings: 30th of November, 2017.
1. Wrong Person (w. Matteo Valentini)
2. Evolution of the Fallen (w. Shannon Edwards)
3. World's Sexiest Man (w. Robert Cox)
4. Haunted (w. Andrew Kosarko)
5. Steve & Olivia (w. Vicki Cargill & Adam Cargill)
1st Place:
World's Sexiest Man (w. Robert Cox)
2nd Place:
Wrong Person (w. Matteo Valentini)
3rd Place:
Evolution of the Fallen (w. Shannon Edwards)
shared with:
Haunted (w. Andrew Kosarko)
Saint Hubert (d. Jules Comes) - Drama | Nature | Action - 19 min, Belgium, 2017
Blessed Days (d. Valentina Casadei) - Drama | Student - 13 min, France, 2017
The Eve (d. Luca Machnich) - Horror | Drama - 20 min, Italy, 2015
Screen Cowboy (d. Morgan Guering) - Drama | Sci-Fi | Student - 14 min, France, 2017
XXI Century Blood (d. Abraham Marcos) - 6 min, Mexico, 2017 - 734 votes
Best Documentary
Over the horizon (d. Ivan Sosnin) - 5 min, Russia, 2017
Threads of Hope (d. William Knowles) - Student - 10 min, United States, 2017
Eileen and I (d. Sam Pearson) - Student - 12 min, United Kingdom, 2017
Best Animation
RETIMER (d. Robin Tremblay) - 7 min, Canada, 2017
Empty View (d. Ali Zare Ghanatnowi) - Drama | War - 18 min, Iran, 2017
An Idea (d. Juan Paulín) - 6 min, Mexico, 2017
Best Experimental
OMESS (d. Romy Engel) - 3 min - Israel, 2017
In search of lost time (d. Marta Renzi) - 8 min - United States, 2017
Algeria. Dreams about the Desert (d. Andrii Andreiev) - 6 min - Ukraine, 2017
Best Music Video
Destroyer (d. John Byron Hanby, IV) Student | Drama | Romance - 5 min, United States, 2017
XXI Century Blood (d. Abraham Marcos) - 6 min, Mexico, 2017
Darklands (d. Kezia Alexandra Supit) - 3 min, United States, 2016
Best Director
Jules Comes - Saint Hubert - Drama | Nature | Action - 19 min, Belgium, 2017
Valentina Casadei - Blessed Days - Drama | Student - 13 min, France, 2017
Riccardo Bernasconi - Orazio's Clan - Web - 39 min, Switzerland, 2016
Best Screenplay
Sara Grimaldi - The Return of the Train - 25 min, France, 2016
Jules Comes - Saint Hubert - Drama | Nature | Action - 19 min, Belgium, 2017
Felipe Vianna - The Heritage - Web | Thriller | Drama - 13 min, Brazil, 2017
Best Actor
Wouter Hendrickx - Saint Hubert - Drama | Nature | Action - 19 min, Belgium, 2017
C.J. Baker - Jury Duty - Student - 12 min, United States, 2017
Francisco Calderon - Robby - Drama - 34 min, United States, 2017
Best Actress
Florence Monge - Blessed Days - Drama | Student - 13 min, France, 2017
Mel Lisboa - The Heritage - Web | Thriller | Drama - 13 min, Brazil, 2017
Claire Corlier - The Return of the Train - 25 min, France, 2016
Best Editing
Nicolas Lemoine - Screen Cowboy - Drama | Sci-Fi | Student - 14 min, France, 2017
Tom Denoyette - Saint Hubert - Drama | Nature | Action - 19 min, Belgium, 2017
Arnaud Desne - Catharsis (d. Romain Fusilier) - Horror | Thriller | Fantasy - 10 min, France, 2017
Best Cinematography
Grimm Vandekerckhove - Saint Hubert - Drama | Nature | Action - 19 min, Belgium, 2017