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Literature can seriously damage your health. This is the message Anugat Raj’s movie is projecting to the viewers. Even the plot says it all: “A writer's subconscious inside of a character's inception, life and it's storied end. Showing a writer's approach to a story or character being bland on the exterior but artistic in it's purest form.”


'Pages 321' is a brilliant film of its genre. So much time has passed since we last seen another film that successfully shows how someone creates a work of art, especially a literary work. Raj’s short is a wonderfully evocative faux-documentary. The spoken sequences projected in one’s mind stick close to the literal denotation of the textual images. Some may found this approach slightly unsympathetic, but we disagree. Mainly what we like about this poem (if we can call it like that) is its twisting of banality into surrealist mysticism, a combination of styles that is a perfect match in our opinion. The contrast between the intensely coloured discourse and the black-and-white filming technique makes 'Pages 321' a really desirable movie for audiences.  


Raj’s short is bold and stylish, attempting to capture a period in the mid-20th century when writing poetry could be an act of rebellion – a shot across the bows of a dull, conformist world. The whole Bukovskian mood of the film is absolutely amazing, making 'Pages 321' a mixture of excitement and trepidation.


The film isn't a documentary, though it is very similar to one. It centres on several key events so that no dialog needs to be added beyond the literary parts.


In short, 'Pages 321' is a necessary docudrama, and one of the movies which impose a lot of emotions after its end mainly because it reminds the pure essence of word, the need for truth affirmation of basic things that define life.


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