Kelly Sarri’s short documentary is a good idea for many reasons: first of all, as a viewer, you will learn something about tax evasion, a topic that is indeed discussed in our society, but not all the time explained as a concept. We might have heard about tax evasion, but in our minds, the general image of this phenomenon might not be the real one. Second of all, she takes Greece as an example, a thing which is both intriguing and interesting for a foreigner for the reason that Greece was always presented as the temple of mythological Gods, the birthplace of the Olympic Games and as most travel guides describe it, "the heaven on earth". Well, in this documentary we have the chance to see the dark side of the paradise and the control room of the rocket ship which, to be honest, is not pretty at all.
Over the past few years, whoever opened by mistake a news website or a newspaper saw that Greece was in some financial problems, reason why many of us asked ourselves why this happened and how everyone coped with it. ‘Tax Evasion: A Greek National Sport’ comes to answer these questions and at the same time raise a couple more questions that we would never raise or even think about. In some countries, doing a documentary like this one where illegal actions are pointed out in such a straightforward way can be very dangerous for the director... so we hope Kelly Sarri didn’t have to get through big trouble after her film's release.
Sarri’s perspective upon this matter is really broad, interviewing for her project people ranging from financial consultants to regular ones, gathering information only to create a panoramic view over this whole alarming situation. It is this discrepancy that makes it so unique. After watching ‘Tax Evasion: A Greek National Sport’ one may be able to draw their own conclusion, and even check whether such a thing is happening in the place they are living in. Corruption is everywhere so it's only up to us to not take it for granted.
We salute Kelly Sarri’s project, and we hope she will bounce back with something as intriguing and fascinating as this documentary was.
Written by Vlad A. G